Monday, August 4, 2008

The weak Global cues…..

The RIL is strong so long it trades above 2250 and will become weak if it trades below 2230 level.
The beaten down RCOM may put its neck out above the trouble if it could trade above 455 level and will be weak below 439.
The RPL could cut the resistance at 169 on Friday but the major resistance at 174-175 level, for today it will be weak below 166.
The DLF and Unitech may find buyers if they can form foreign alliances for 3G. The DLF is good above 503 and weak below 493. The Unitech is good above 173 and weak below 166-65 level. The JP made good move on yesterday, good above 166 and weak below 163.
The SBI has support above 1445-50 level, Relcap is good above 1293-96 level.

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Never Forget: I may be wrong, You may be wrong but markets always RIGHT.

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